Tuesday, February 24, 2009

hi my dear friend,how are u all?wokey for your information,there are many types of fobia.fobia divided into 5 group such as simple phobia,complex phobia, sosial phobia, panic attacks and agraphobia.Let's,me explain the defination of this kind of fobia.Simple phobia is fear of a single stimulus such as fear of heights ladders and frog.Complex phobia is fear of a number of stimuli.In fear of flying,like inccident of crashing.sOSIALphobia is simply put when u come out with public speaking.Panic attacks,is panic attack can be quite terrifying ordeal unless you understand what is going on and why it is going on.Agoraphobia is literaly fear of thr market place and up toa decade or so ago,the term was used to describe people who afraid of open spaces

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