Sunday, July 5, 2009

camne result bi?????

askum n selamat.....
syaza tak edit ke post phobia nie????

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The conclusion of phobias

In sum, phobias are now viewed as a natural and expected manifestation of an imbalance in the nervous system. They are compounded by misinformation and misinterpretation of the experience by the individual. We call this imbalance in the nervous system "psychological sensitivity" which is influenced by life experiences and trauma, personality type, underlying mood, anxiety, or behavioral disorders, unhealthy activities and lifestyle choices, underlying medical problems and lack of support and poor coping skills and strategies.

What is the integrative approach to ending phobias?

Understanding the physiology of the fear response makes us less likely to misinterpret our symptoms, thereby preventing the development of phobic avoidance behavior and stopping our anxiety from spiraling out of control. A clear understanding of what you body is doing and why may have prevented your first phobic attack, particularly if you were also able to control your apprehensions about what others were thinking about you at the moment. There is one medical way to overcome phobia by "The Benzodiazepine". This system is an extensive network of linked neurons capable of modulating and supressing neuronal excitement throughout the brain. When drugs known as benzodiazepines bind to the Gamma=Aminobutyric Acid Neuronal System (GABA) receptors, the GABA neurons activate, thereby inhibiting the anxiety and panic response and causing muscle relaxation (B. H. Arthur & M.D. James 2005)

Where do phobias come from?

Many people remember clearly the moment their phobia started. A painful, frightening, or embarrassing experience in youth is often to blame. For example, Susan remembers how, at age 8, her neighborhood friends thought it would be fun to roll her up in a carpet and send her spinning down the driveway. Since then, she has a phobia related to small, close-in spaces and has experienced many anxiety attacks in such situations. For another example, Malik, his phobia started in adulthood while traveling a small commercial airplane. The low flight was especially bumpy and panic set in when she looked down and saw a man barbecuing in his yard below. He was sure the plan was flying too low and would soon crash. During the rest of the flight, Malik lay curled up very tight on the floor. His heart rate and nausea persisted for a log time after deplaning. Phobias would be of much less consequence in our lives if they rared their painful heads only when specific stimuli were present. For example, a person who fears clowns would avoid phobic suffering simply by staying away from clowns(H.B. Arthur, M.D. James 2005).

Monday, April 6, 2009

Treatment for phobia

Many people with phobias can be helped with treatment. Therapy for anxiety disorders often involves medication or specific forms of psychotherapy.
Medications, although not cures, can be very effective at relieving social anxiety disorder. By scientists at NIMH and other research institutions, there are more medications available than ever before to treat anxiety disorders. So if one drug is not successful, there are usually others to try. In addition, new medications to treat anxiety symptoms are under development.
For most of the medications that are prescribed to treat social anxiety disorder, the doctor usually starts the patient on a low dose and gradually increases it to the full dose. Every medication has side effects, but they usually become tolerated or diminish with time. If side effects become a problem, the doctor may advise the patient to stop taking the medication and to wait a week—or longer for certain drugs—before trying another one. When treatment is near an end, the doctor will taper the dosage gradually.
Research has also shown that behavioral therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy can be effective for treating several of the anxiety disorders especially agoraphobia.
Behavioral therapy focuses on changing specific actions and uses several techniques to decreases or stop unwanted behavior. For example, one technique trains patients in diaphragmatic breathing, a special breathing exercise involving slow, deep breaths to reduce anxiety. This is necessary because people who are anxious often hyperventilate, taking rapid shallow breaths that can trigger rapid heartbeat, lightheadedness, and other symptoms. Another technique—exposure therapy—gradually exposes patients to what frightens them and helps them cope with their fears.
Like behavioral therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy teaches patients to react differently to the situations and bodily sensations that trigger panic attacks and other anxiety symptoms. However, patients also learn to understand how their thinking patterns contribute to their symptoms and how to change their thoughts so that symptoms are less likely to occur. This awareness of thinking patterns is combined with exposure and other behavioral techniques to help people confront their feared situations. For example, someone who becomes lightheaded during a panic attack and fears he is going to die can be helped with the following approach used in cognitive-behavioral therapy. The therapist asks him to spin in a circle until he becomes dizzy. When he becomes alarmed and starts thinking, "I'm going to die," he learns to replace that thought with a more appropriate one, such as "It's just a little dizziness.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The types of phobias

When it comes to the point of getting know the types of phobias, many people thought there are no types of phobias. This is because they think phobia is only one thing. Thing that we scared and afraid but here the explanation of the types of phobis. Yes, there are many types of phobias with the categories along. There are social phobia, agoraphobia and specific phobia. People might wonder what is 'agoraphobia'? Because it sounds unfamiliar. Let me explain it in details before we go further. 'Fear' is the key to the explanation of agoraphobia. From my reading, Agoraphobia by Clarke J.C. and Wayne W. , the fears attack their confidence and lead to the perpetuation of avoiding routines. That is mean, agoraphobia is a feeling of getting feared to do normal people do and thus agoraphobia sufferer will avoid the normal activities such as shopping, swimming and others. However, there are treatments in recovering phobia sufferers with some techniques that will be discussed further.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

added points on phobia.

syaza, i agree with you. phobia suferers can't do so many activities due to their fearness to something. like you just said, if a father fear to water then the son also can't do splashing with his father. this really hard for the sufferers family. pity to them. this is because when someone fear to something, then the family members also have to avoid from doing activities that can relate to what the phobia suferer fear to.


Now let us discuss more about phobia. As we have done the discussion on the causes of phobia, so let us see if there any treatments or medication for phobia suferers. I've read lots of articles about the treatments for phobia. From the articles, i get lots of information on how to overcome phobia. As we know, phobia is kind of serious disease. A phobic will suffer very badly to overcome phobia, but the scientists and psychologists have discovered methods or treatments to overcome phobia so that phobia can be treated. The treatments are based on psychological and medical methods. The first treatment is Positive Reinforcement which using the concept imitation. This is because, people learn best when they can observed and try to imitate the model. For example, the doctor will force people who afraid of cats to see other people playing with and petting the cats. By observing this actions, phobias against cats can be cured. The second treatment is Systematic Desencitization. this treatment is focusing on 3 steps which is Identification, Relaxation, and Desencitization. In identification step, the phobia suferer was asked to identify the kind of phobia that he or she suffered, the level of the phobia and causes of the phobia. Then in the second step which is relaxation, the doctor or psychologist wiil help and advice the phobia suferers to get relax or be calm when facing what they fear of. In the last step which is Desencitization, the phobic will have to face what they fear of in many ways so that they will not afraid to what they fear of anymore. The Third treatment is ognitive Behavioural Therapy. This treatment is using 3 techniques which is the first one is Didactic component. This phase will helps to set up positive expectations for therapy and promote the phobia sufferer's cooperation. Second is Cognitive component, it helps to identify the thoughts and assumptions that influence the person's behavior, particularly those that may predispose him or her to being phobic and the third one is Behavioral component, this employs behavior-modifying techniques to teach the individual with a phobia more effective strategies for dealing with problems. The next treatment is Selective Serotonin Reactive Inhibator. This treatment often use if the CBT treatment are not effective. This medication affect level of serotonin in the brain. Drug will be use to low the level of serotonin in the brain. So when the phobic face their phobias, they will not get panic badly and help the phobic to be calm. But this treatment cause common side effects such as dry mouth, sexual dysfunction, sleeping problem and more. The last treatment is Beta-Blocker. this treatment will helps to block the effect that adrenalin has on the body such as propanol. These disorder are less commonly treated with drugs in a medication class known as "Benzodiazepines". With all kind of treatment that have been doscovered by the sceincetists and phychologists, phobia can be treated. so the phobia suferers should not be worried as there are lots of treatments to overcome phobia.

Monday, March 30, 2009

What is phobia?...

Do or does someone you care about suffer from phobias?If so, let's look at some information here that you may use to overcome phobia. We take phobias seriously as threats not so much to life itself, but as obstacles to lifestyle. Phobias prevent people from enjoying many activities, such as shopping, camping, driving, cooking and others. It may sound funny those people phobias to this activities but that is the truth in reality. For instance, when a father fears water, a child misses splashing with dad. If the solution to phobias was easy, the problem would not exist. There are no one sells a pill or markets a single technique guaranteed to remove phobic suffering for all people in all cases. We emphasize before that no technique is an instant "miracle" cure. Getting over a phobia that has plagued a person for many times requires time, patient and effort( Bell, H. A. & Gardner J. 2005). The phobic experience is memorable and that is why some people still can feel the phobia that they experience in childhood. There are some common stressors and anxieties of daily living. For example, when we starts our car and worries that the ping sound in the engine means a big repair bill in the near future. In conclusion about what is phobia? It is a feeling that mostly everyone experience it due to fear.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

how phobias continue

As we know the response that phobia carry and exist or we fight or flight the response. So when we are danger we either to prepare and fight or to run away. That happen because sometimes the unconscious mind and your body not be control anymore it situation can be danger. So it attaches feelings of discomfort, anxiety or terror to that object or situation to make you avoid it. And it has probably been quite successful at doing this. So the phobic response is simply a protection mechanism that got to the wrong kind of thing - something that in reality may not be life threatening at all. In fact, with another part of your mind your conscious mind you have always known this. But that hasn't helped because this isn't about being logical and rational - if it was then you would not have had a phobia. When the protection mechanism got to whatever that thing or situation was, the unconscious mind created a very strong around that thing. And after that, whenever it recognises a match to that thing and it doesn't have to be a match or it will trigger those feelings of anxiety and panic.This is why phobia tend to spread out and general - particularly agoraphobia and claustrophobia - as more a more situations are matched creat more and more reference templates for "life-threatening " situations. And every time panic it just reinforces the idea that your mind has got that this is "dangerous" or "life-threatening". This is why phobias get naturally worse over time rather than better. Many people thing their phobia like this for a long time - typically for decades. But eventually these "solutions" become part of the problem: the avoidance and control behaviours become the handicap, using up time, energy and attention needed for other things. When this happens most sufferers think "enough is enough". And do something about it. And get help

Saturday, March 28, 2009

causes of phobia..

as in many articles that i've read, there is no specific causes for phobia actually.
this is because the causes of phobia is depending on the situations.usually, people who suffer phobia can't tell to others how they get into this kind of problem. they hardly can explain why they afraid to what they are fear to.
some specialist says that phobia created because of life events. i'll give an example by situation okey. let say someone was stuck in a lift. of course when the lift is not working and stuck, people in the lift can't go out and and the lift become dark and hot. people in there will hardly breath and will scare that no one will help them. when this situation is created, someone who easy to get panic will become out of control and panicking like crazy. this is the time that phobia created. the next time the person will surely afraid to use the lift due to what he or she faced before. so, i can conclude that life events or can we understand as past experiences is one of the causes of phobia.
the second causes that i've read is the factor of family or cultural influence. this is a bit hard to understand. but from my understanding, i can say if someone in the family suffering kind of phobia, another person in the family might have high risk to also suffering any kind of phobia. like what i've said just now 'cultural influence'. this mean that, if the sister is afraid or dark place usually the younger sister will also have that kind of phobia too. so i can conclude here that family history is also the factor that can be the causes of phobi. people with family members that have phobia history are 3 times risky to also suffers phobia.
this is what i understand from the article that i've read from the web under topic phobia. lets do some critical thinking about this okey. if i give wrong information get me correct okey..

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

what it feels like to have a phobia

Most people with a phobia are normal, happy and balanced.
They have just got this phobia, this thing they feel powerless to do anything to change. So it's very frustrating because a part of them (the rational thinking part) knows that it doesn't make sense, that they are okay and probably quite safe with that thing or in that situation. But they nevertheless find that when they are exposed to that thing or situation, or thinking about it, another part of them (the irrational unconscious part) drives out rational thought and anxiety and panic floods in.
Have a read through the science of phobias below to see exactly how and why this happens.
Phobias will often start to affect self-confidence and self-esteem. Sufferers feel they are not understood, that others think they are stupid. And it can make them feel embarrassed and stupid. Like a slur on their sanity.
But phobias are a very human thing. It's to do with the way we are wired. And they rarely go any deeper than that. It's like getting a puncture: it can happen to anyone and it doesn't matter when, where or how you got it. You just know you've got it and that it can be fixed.
About 10% of the human race has a phobia. So phobias are not strange or bizarre, in fact they are incredibly common. And although it can feel like you are the only one, you are not.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

hi my dear friend,how are u all?wokey for your information,there are many types of fobia.fobia divided into 5 group such as simple phobia,complex phobia, sosial phobia, panic attacks and agraphobia.Let's,me explain the defination of this kind of fobia.Simple phobia is fear of a single stimulus such as fear of heights ladders and frog.Complex phobia is fear of a number of stimuli.In fear of flying,like inccident of crashing.sOSIALphobia is simply put when u come out with public speaking.Panic attacks,is panic attack can be quite terrifying ordeal unless you understand what is going on and why it is going on.Agoraphobia is literaly fear of thr market place and up toa decade or so ago,the term was used to describe people who afraid of open spaces

Sunday, February 22, 2009

long discussion about phobia...

hi my dear friends...
looks like we as group had done the discussion about what is the meaning of phobia and types of phobia. seem likes we already understand what is phobia and kind of phobia. overall, we get quite the same meaning of phobia. also we have know all the type of phobia. i read and find lots of articles about phobia and i can see all of us really understand what is phobia from all the posts we've done.
Azrin, i really love to read all your comments. you find lots of articles about phobia. I really agreed with you. From the article that I read, I get more information. For your information, the psychologists and psychiatrists classified most phobia into 3 categories, social phobia or also known as social anxiety disorder, specific phobia and agoraphobia.
Let me explain the three categories.

The first category which is social phobia or social anxiety disorder is fears involving other people or social situations such as performance anxiety or fears of embarrassment by scrutiny of others, such as eating in public. Social phobia are divided into two which is:
a) generalized social phobia, and
b) specific social phobia, which are cases of anxiety triggered only in specific situations. The symptoms may extend to psychosomatic manifestation of physical problems. For example, sufferers of paruresis find it difficult or impossible to urinate in reduced levels of privacy. That goes beyond mere preference. If the condition triggers, the person physically cannot empty their bladder.

The second category is specific phobias which is fear of a single specific panic trigger such as spiders, snakes, dogs, elevators, water, waves, flying, balloons, catching a specific illness, etc.

The last category is agoraphobia which is a generalized fear of leaving home or a small familiar 'safe' area, and of possible panic attacks that might follow.

These all categories include all the kind of phobia that was discussed by all of us in our past comments. I thinks, if the phobias is categorize like this by the psychologists will make easier for the people to understand.

As we know in our last class for English we've done the random sampling as the assignment for our blog topic. overall, after we've done the interview, we can conclude that some people have lots of information about phobia and some really do not know anything about phobia. There are people who thought that phobia is kind of hysteria. People who have some education about humanistic have learn about the phobia. Mostly of the people that we interviewed admitted that they had experienced phobia especially the agoraphobia and social phobia.

That's all for now.I will continue post more comment later.
Thanks, XOXO.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


In my point of view,phobia is more actually to fearness when see sumthing or sitution which give impact to the victim and also fear sumthing which happen again.There are many type of phobia like agrofhobia(fear to height place).ofidophobia(fear to public speaking),eosophobia(fear to sun),one interesthing is hipppopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia(fear to long word]

Monday, February 16, 2009


hi my dear friend,in my point of view is phobia is one of the dieasas that sufering most 95 percent people in this world.Phobia have many kind of category like akrofobia.Many people have try to cure this diases but little of them ,have failed.Althogh fobia is nit dangerous diasess but it still affect the emosi of next discuss,we will discuss more about the phobia.


hi my dear friend.fobia is one of the thing that almost 95 percentage of people suffering from this diasases.There have many of fobia.fobia is one of the interesthing topic to discuss,such as a akrofobia and many more.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

~DeTaIL AbOut PhObiA~

Hai my friend….have a nice day today….in my search in that web give me more detail about phobia and I want to show all of you. First coment in blog about phobia I’m not give detail about phobia right now I show you guys.

Definition phobia is According to the American Psychiatric Association, a phobia is an irrational and excessive fear of an object or situation. In most cases, the phobia involves a sense of endangerment or a fear of harm. For example, those suffering from agoraphobia fear being trapped in an inescapable place or situation. That have symptoms of phobia is can occur through exposure to the fear object or situation, or sometimes simply thinking about the feared object can lead to a response. Common symptoms associated with phobias include: Dizziness,Breathlessness ,Nausea,A sense of unreality ,Fear of dying
In some cases, these symptoms can escalate into a full-scale anxiety attack. As a consequence of these symptoms, some individuals begin to isolate themselves, leading to severe difficulties in daily life. In other cases, the individual may seek out medical care due to a constant concern with imagined illnesses or imminent death. In my search many of types of phobia-There are three types of phobias: Social phobias—fear of social situations,Agoraphobia—fear of being trapped in an inescapable place or situation, Specific phobias—fear of a specific object (such as snakes).

Now I know There are four major types of specific phobias: first,-The natural environment—fear of lightening, water, storms, etc.-Animal—fear of snakes, rodents, spiders, etc.-Medical—fear of seeing blood, receiving injections, visiting a doctor, etc.-Situational—fear of bridges, leaving the home, driving, etc. that shoe me prevalence of phobis is Phobias are actually quite common, affecting more than 10% of the U.S. population. Phobias are the most common mental disorder in the United States, but far more women than men are affected by phobias. In many cases, people are able to recognize that their fear is irrational and therefore take steps to overcome their phobia. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, only about 10 percent of reported cases become life-long phobias.

In information that have treatment for Phobia I can tell you there are a number of treatment approaches for phobias. The effectiveness of a treatment depends on the individual and the type of phobia. These are just a few potential phobia treatments:
In exposure treatments, the patient is exposed to the fear object in order to help them overcome their fear. One type of exposure treatment is flooding, in which the patient is confronted by the fear object for an extended length of time without the opportunity to escape. The goal of this method is to help the individual face their fear and realize that the fear object will not harm them. Another method often used in phobia treatment is counter-conditioning. In this method, the patient is taught a new response to the fear object. Rather that panic in the face of the feared object or situation, the client learns relaxation techniques to replace anxiety and fear. This new behavior is incompatible with the previous panicked response, so the phobic response gradually fades. Counter-conditioning is often used with patients who are unable to handle exposure treatments.

That web help me to know more about phobia and want we have phobia we can lose that with we go to treatment. Insyaallah we can lose phobia. That all what is phobia can I show you guys…….

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Hello phobia....

i'm go to web from arzida information....
so many definition about phobia....
that give we more knowledge about phobia....

to information you all i'm have experience about phobia...
what can we do about them...

Many people remember clearly the moment their phobia started.
A painful, frightening, or embarrassing experience in youth is often to blame...

more think about phobia....


still forgot to write my label after post new comment
that is my comment
(Arzida bt Za'ba A123027)

my discussion about phobia.

hi my dear friends,
go to this url :
hope u all can go to this web
it provide lots of information about our topic.

this web said that,
phobia is An unreasonable sort of fear that can cause avoidance and panic.
Phobias are a relatively common type of anxiety disorder.

this definition is close 2 my definition in my last comment
which i read from the wikipedia page.

Dryden-Edwards,MD said define that phobia is the unrelenting fear of situation, activities or things that causes someone to want to avoid it.
from this article i get some information about this topic.
there are many types of phobia.let me list it.
1. social anxiety disorder such as fear of public speaking
2. agrophobia- fear of open spaces
3. coulrophobia-fear of close-in spaces
4. coulrophobia-fear of clowns
5. aerophobia-fear of flying
6. fear of blood
7. zoophobia-fear of animals
8. fear of commitment
9. fear of driving
10. acrophobia-fear of heights
11. archnophobia-fear of insects especially spiders
12. aichmophobia-fear of needles
13. opnidiophobia-fear of snakes
14. mysophobia-fear of germs
15. dentophobia-fear of having dental check-up

from the list, i make a conclusion that since there are many types of phobia,
sometimes people really no aware that they do suffer phobia or not.
this is because the level phobia that one suffer is not the same with others.
so that is why people do not realize that they actually had phobia problem.
for example, i,m afraid of insects but i don't notice that i am actually suffer from archnophobia.
i only realize after i reading this article.

you guys should read this article because it contains lots of information about health and especially about our topic.

Monday, February 9, 2009

what is phobia

assalammualaikum all my friend...
this week to answer what is a phobia right...
in my search, so many definition about phobia..
A. Turkington give a phobia is an intense, unrealistic fear, which can interfere with the ability to socialize, work, or go about everyday life, that is brought on by object,
event or situation.

in their Description

just about everyone is afraid of something on , upcoming job interview or
being alone outside after dark. I way to share to my friend in my search about 18%
of all American are formented by irrational fears the interfere with their daily lives.
They are "crazy" they know full. Well their fears are unreasonable but they can not control
the fear. these people have phobia.

Phobia belong to a large group of mental problems known as "anxiety disorders"
that include obsessive compulsive disorder ( OCD ), panic disorder , and posttraumatic stress disorder. phobia themselve can be devided into there specific types:

1. specific phobia ( formerly called " simple phobia " )
2. social phobia
3. agrophobia

that is my answer of phobia....

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Our objectives for this blog..and the questions that will be discussed..

Objectives of the blog:
~To give information about phobia
~To explain how the feeling of severe phobic
~To share the ways to get relief from phobia

Questions to achieve the objectives:
~What is phobia?
~What are the example of phobias?
~Where do phobia come from?
~What does a severe phobic response feel like?
~How do phobia sufferers typically seek relief?
~What medical means can supportrecovery from phobias?
~How does healing begin for phobias and related emotional illnesses?

Friday, February 6, 2009

What is phobia?...

This week we will discuss about this question..
Give your words here..
Let's do some critical thinking..
on this topic!!!..=)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

about phobia..

hello my dear friends..
today i found an article in wikipedia about phobia..
i forgot the url..sorry..
but i will post to the blog later okay...
the article is quite interesting..
it's discuss about what is phobia..
from my reading, i make a conclusion about ehat is phobia..
from the article i know that the word phobia is actually taken from the Greek "phobos"
which mean fear.
the article said that phobia is the form of anxiety disorder.
so i think that phobia is irrational continuously fear of some situations or conditions which make
the people who suffered phobia feel afraid of some kind situations and afraid to do any activities that link to the situation that they fear of.
this fear feeling ill make the person out of control when facing what they afraid of and this fear
will disturb and interfere the person's daily life.
this what i understand a bit about phobia.
i will find another article and share with all of you.
so i hope all of you will comment what i said okay..
alright, its really late at night..
i'm going to sleep.
i wiil write again later..

about phobia...

about phobia..

hello my dear friends...
today i found an article in wikipedia about phobia
i forgot the url..sorry..
but i will post the url later ok..
the article is quite interesting..
it's about what is phobia..
from my reading i make a conclusion about what is phobia.
from the article i know that phobias are the form anxiety disorder.
the word phobia was taken from Greek "phobos" which mean fear.
from my reading i think phobia is kind of anxiety disorder which is irrational continuous fear
of some situations or conditions

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

to share answer

hai hai hai hai hai
miss u all...
wah wah syaza get A for this subject.....
that good....i'm support you...
support me to improve my English Language...
Arzida i want to see your acticles for this topic....
have you find the topic acticles...

I try to answer your question Syaza....
kind of phobia????
I din't know right or wrong...
so many kind about phobia..
for example...
Theologiphobia, Kolpophobia, Aerophobia, Methyphobia,
Potophobia, Amnesiphobia, Oenophobia, Octophobia,
Cyhophobia, Cutraphobia, Hylephobia, Coulrophobia and other.......

you can ask me what the meaning...

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Intoduction of myself...

Hello everyone..
let me introduce about myself first here..
I am Nur'Syaza Binti Abd Rahman..
Some people call me syaza, shasha, sasha or just sya..
u can call me with whatever name you want to..haha..
I am now doing my study in psychology at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi..
I feel so lucky to study psychology because it is my passion..
UKM?..the best place ever to study..
I am freshie here..but then i know this is the place i belong to on the first time i arrived UKM..
Yes it is new environment..
new place..
new people..
new friends..
with new me?..
just be as myself..
that is the best..
This is my second semester in UKM..
and this semester i take english for social sciences subject..
Blog is our group task..
So now i already a blogger..
At last..haha..
my ICT lesturer last semester should be proud of me..hehe..
Mr AJ!..I am now active in blog..hikhik..
according to 'yan kuchiki' comment..
what is my expectation for this subject..
I will say a lot..haha..
but the most important thing is to get an 'A' for this subject..
thanks to Dr Nadzrah..
for being so supportive lecturer for this first month of semester..hehe
Actualy this is my second blogsite..
I feel enjoy doing blog..
It is interesting..
because you can write whatever you want to..
Blog will be one of my interests..
besides swimming, travelling, reading and hiking..hehe
I think that is all for now..
will post my comment next time..

Friday, January 23, 2009 about phobia...

when we talk about about phobia,
we always see phobia as a small matter..
but actually not many people know that phobia
is kind of serious problem...

I'm having problem with small insects like ants,
mosquito, and more tiny insects..
i hate insects! n I'm actually afraid of insects
especially the ants, spider and centipede..
The thing is i don't know is this kind of phobia???

My dear friends,
i hope you guys can answer my question
and help me solve this problemm..

well i got to go know..
i'll write again later...
take care...

by the way azrin,
nice knowing about you..

Thursday, January 22, 2009

AbOuT mE AnD aBoUt PhObiA

my name is Mohd Azrien Bin Abd Rahman.... A124054...
you can call me ayen....
i'm studying Human Development....
location at Sg Petani, Kedah.....

i'm want to know more about phobia.....
because i have experience about phobia.... mean fear promise.......

if you want to share information just comments me....

where come from phobia.....?????????

YOU KNOW.....?????

i want to share.....
Many people remember clearly the moment their phobia startted.....
A paintful, frightening, or embarrasing experience in youth is often to blame...

if you want share anything about phobia.....
discus at can say anything in your opinion....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

who is me????

i'm Arzida bt Za'ba
you can call me ida
i'm studying psychology
at National University of M'sia


where come from phobia

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


from now on..
let's talk..
or anything you want to say about phobia..
just say it here..
because it is open topic to be discussed about..