Sunday, February 22, 2009

long discussion about phobia...

hi my dear friends...
looks like we as group had done the discussion about what is the meaning of phobia and types of phobia. seem likes we already understand what is phobia and kind of phobia. overall, we get quite the same meaning of phobia. also we have know all the type of phobia. i read and find lots of articles about phobia and i can see all of us really understand what is phobia from all the posts we've done.
Azrin, i really love to read all your comments. you find lots of articles about phobia. I really agreed with you. From the article that I read, I get more information. For your information, the psychologists and psychiatrists classified most phobia into 3 categories, social phobia or also known as social anxiety disorder, specific phobia and agoraphobia.
Let me explain the three categories.

The first category which is social phobia or social anxiety disorder is fears involving other people or social situations such as performance anxiety or fears of embarrassment by scrutiny of others, such as eating in public. Social phobia are divided into two which is:
a) generalized social phobia, and
b) specific social phobia, which are cases of anxiety triggered only in specific situations. The symptoms may extend to psychosomatic manifestation of physical problems. For example, sufferers of paruresis find it difficult or impossible to urinate in reduced levels of privacy. That goes beyond mere preference. If the condition triggers, the person physically cannot empty their bladder.

The second category is specific phobias which is fear of a single specific panic trigger such as spiders, snakes, dogs, elevators, water, waves, flying, balloons, catching a specific illness, etc.

The last category is agoraphobia which is a generalized fear of leaving home or a small familiar 'safe' area, and of possible panic attacks that might follow.

These all categories include all the kind of phobia that was discussed by all of us in our past comments. I thinks, if the phobias is categorize like this by the psychologists will make easier for the people to understand.

As we know in our last class for English we've done the random sampling as the assignment for our blog topic. overall, after we've done the interview, we can conclude that some people have lots of information about phobia and some really do not know anything about phobia. There are people who thought that phobia is kind of hysteria. People who have some education about humanistic have learn about the phobia. Mostly of the people that we interviewed admitted that they had experienced phobia especially the agoraphobia and social phobia.

That's all for now.I will continue post more comment later.
Thanks, XOXO.

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