Thursday, April 30, 2009

The conclusion of phobias

In sum, phobias are now viewed as a natural and expected manifestation of an imbalance in the nervous system. They are compounded by misinformation and misinterpretation of the experience by the individual. We call this imbalance in the nervous system "psychological sensitivity" which is influenced by life experiences and trauma, personality type, underlying mood, anxiety, or behavioral disorders, unhealthy activities and lifestyle choices, underlying medical problems and lack of support and poor coping skills and strategies.

What is the integrative approach to ending phobias?

Understanding the physiology of the fear response makes us less likely to misinterpret our symptoms, thereby preventing the development of phobic avoidance behavior and stopping our anxiety from spiraling out of control. A clear understanding of what you body is doing and why may have prevented your first phobic attack, particularly if you were also able to control your apprehensions about what others were thinking about you at the moment. There is one medical way to overcome phobia by "The Benzodiazepine". This system is an extensive network of linked neurons capable of modulating and supressing neuronal excitement throughout the brain. When drugs known as benzodiazepines bind to the Gamma=Aminobutyric Acid Neuronal System (GABA) receptors, the GABA neurons activate, thereby inhibiting the anxiety and panic response and causing muscle relaxation (B. H. Arthur & M.D. James 2005)

Where do phobias come from?

Many people remember clearly the moment their phobia started. A painful, frightening, or embarrassing experience in youth is often to blame. For example, Susan remembers how, at age 8, her neighborhood friends thought it would be fun to roll her up in a carpet and send her spinning down the driveway. Since then, she has a phobia related to small, close-in spaces and has experienced many anxiety attacks in such situations. For another example, Malik, his phobia started in adulthood while traveling a small commercial airplane. The low flight was especially bumpy and panic set in when she looked down and saw a man barbecuing in his yard below. He was sure the plan was flying too low and would soon crash. During the rest of the flight, Malik lay curled up very tight on the floor. His heart rate and nausea persisted for a log time after deplaning. Phobias would be of much less consequence in our lives if they rared their painful heads only when specific stimuli were present. For example, a person who fears clowns would avoid phobic suffering simply by staying away from clowns(H.B. Arthur, M.D. James 2005).

Monday, April 6, 2009

Treatment for phobia

Many people with phobias can be helped with treatment. Therapy for anxiety disorders often involves medication or specific forms of psychotherapy.
Medications, although not cures, can be very effective at relieving social anxiety disorder. By scientists at NIMH and other research institutions, there are more medications available than ever before to treat anxiety disorders. So if one drug is not successful, there are usually others to try. In addition, new medications to treat anxiety symptoms are under development.
For most of the medications that are prescribed to treat social anxiety disorder, the doctor usually starts the patient on a low dose and gradually increases it to the full dose. Every medication has side effects, but they usually become tolerated or diminish with time. If side effects become a problem, the doctor may advise the patient to stop taking the medication and to wait a week—or longer for certain drugs—before trying another one. When treatment is near an end, the doctor will taper the dosage gradually.
Research has also shown that behavioral therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy can be effective for treating several of the anxiety disorders especially agoraphobia.
Behavioral therapy focuses on changing specific actions and uses several techniques to decreases or stop unwanted behavior. For example, one technique trains patients in diaphragmatic breathing, a special breathing exercise involving slow, deep breaths to reduce anxiety. This is necessary because people who are anxious often hyperventilate, taking rapid shallow breaths that can trigger rapid heartbeat, lightheadedness, and other symptoms. Another technique—exposure therapy—gradually exposes patients to what frightens them and helps them cope with their fears.
Like behavioral therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy teaches patients to react differently to the situations and bodily sensations that trigger panic attacks and other anxiety symptoms. However, patients also learn to understand how their thinking patterns contribute to their symptoms and how to change their thoughts so that symptoms are less likely to occur. This awareness of thinking patterns is combined with exposure and other behavioral techniques to help people confront their feared situations. For example, someone who becomes lightheaded during a panic attack and fears he is going to die can be helped with the following approach used in cognitive-behavioral therapy. The therapist asks him to spin in a circle until he becomes dizzy. When he becomes alarmed and starts thinking, "I'm going to die," he learns to replace that thought with a more appropriate one, such as "It's just a little dizziness.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The types of phobias

When it comes to the point of getting know the types of phobias, many people thought there are no types of phobias. This is because they think phobia is only one thing. Thing that we scared and afraid but here the explanation of the types of phobis. Yes, there are many types of phobias with the categories along. There are social phobia, agoraphobia and specific phobia. People might wonder what is 'agoraphobia'? Because it sounds unfamiliar. Let me explain it in details before we go further. 'Fear' is the key to the explanation of agoraphobia. From my reading, Agoraphobia by Clarke J.C. and Wayne W. , the fears attack their confidence and lead to the perpetuation of avoiding routines. That is mean, agoraphobia is a feeling of getting feared to do normal people do and thus agoraphobia sufferer will avoid the normal activities such as shopping, swimming and others. However, there are treatments in recovering phobia sufferers with some techniques that will be discussed further.