Saturday, March 28, 2009

causes of phobia..

as in many articles that i've read, there is no specific causes for phobia actually.
this is because the causes of phobia is depending on the situations.usually, people who suffer phobia can't tell to others how they get into this kind of problem. they hardly can explain why they afraid to what they are fear to.
some specialist says that phobia created because of life events. i'll give an example by situation okey. let say someone was stuck in a lift. of course when the lift is not working and stuck, people in the lift can't go out and and the lift become dark and hot. people in there will hardly breath and will scare that no one will help them. when this situation is created, someone who easy to get panic will become out of control and panicking like crazy. this is the time that phobia created. the next time the person will surely afraid to use the lift due to what he or she faced before. so, i can conclude that life events or can we understand as past experiences is one of the causes of phobia.
the second causes that i've read is the factor of family or cultural influence. this is a bit hard to understand. but from my understanding, i can say if someone in the family suffering kind of phobia, another person in the family might have high risk to also suffering any kind of phobia. like what i've said just now 'cultural influence'. this mean that, if the sister is afraid or dark place usually the younger sister will also have that kind of phobia too. so i can conclude here that family history is also the factor that can be the causes of phobi. people with family members that have phobia history are 3 times risky to also suffers phobia.
this is what i understand from the article that i've read from the web under topic phobia. lets do some critical thinking about this okey. if i give wrong information get me correct okey..

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