Monday, March 30, 2009

What is phobia?...

Do or does someone you care about suffer from phobias?If so, let's look at some information here that you may use to overcome phobia. We take phobias seriously as threats not so much to life itself, but as obstacles to lifestyle. Phobias prevent people from enjoying many activities, such as shopping, camping, driving, cooking and others. It may sound funny those people phobias to this activities but that is the truth in reality. For instance, when a father fears water, a child misses splashing with dad. If the solution to phobias was easy, the problem would not exist. There are no one sells a pill or markets a single technique guaranteed to remove phobic suffering for all people in all cases. We emphasize before that no technique is an instant "miracle" cure. Getting over a phobia that has plagued a person for many times requires time, patient and effort( Bell, H. A. & Gardner J. 2005). The phobic experience is memorable and that is why some people still can feel the phobia that they experience in childhood. There are some common stressors and anxieties of daily living. For example, when we starts our car and worries that the ping sound in the engine means a big repair bill in the near future. In conclusion about what is phobia? It is a feeling that mostly everyone experience it due to fear.

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